jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

How green I am

I think I am not so green but I do have environmental awareness and I care about the environmental problems that affect our world. In my opinion, the first place where people learn about environmentally friendly practices is home. My parents have taught me some environmentally friendly practices like turning off the lights at home when I am not using them, unplugging gadgets that I don’t need at that moment, because if they’re plugged in they consume energy, thinking what I am going to take from the refrigerator before opening the door in order not to consume so much energy and they also have taught me to make sure that I am not using so much water when I wash my hands, my teeth, take a shower, water the grass or wash the dishes.

Walking and using my legs to go to any place is something that I really like to do. Here in Santiago it is difficult to walk all the time, because the distances between a place and another are very big, but in Linares I can walk as much as I want, because it is a little city. Anyway, in Santiago I prefer using public transport than a car.

Although Linares is not a big city it does have pollution problems. This environmental pollution is due to the use of the hearths because burning firewood produces a lot of smoke that contaminates the city. I know that these hearths are necessary to heat up the houses in winter but I consider that pollution is also a big problem. 

6 comentarios:

  1. It's always take me ages to take something from the refrigerator, I feel your pain Chopi

  2. your parents have made a great work teaching you about these good practices

  3. I love your picture! It must be nice can walk to every place in Linares

  4. hahah i love you chopi i like the way you think

  5. Yes, we should use public transport, even though is more difficult
